6:00 AM 0 comments


rsync is downright absolutly god-mode style code

1:55 AM 0 comments

In your face windows!

2:02 AM 0 comments

Windows 7 Aero Snap style effects for Compiz

OK boys and girls, get ready to write this down.

First you need to make sure you have the following installed:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager wmctrl

While that is running find out how big the dimensions of your screen is (Mine has a width of 1600 pixels by a height of 1200 pixels). Write these down you will need them later.

Next, open compizconfig settings manager by clicking on System > Preferences > Compizconfig Settings Manager

At the very top is a button labeled Commands. Select it.

Wmctrl will do the window sizing via the following command:
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e Gravity,X,Y,Width,Height

Gravity: Leave this 0.
X,Y: This is the top left position of the window (AKA: Where to start drawing the window.)
Width,Height: How large the window should be drawn.

Input the following (Adjusting the totals for the dimensions of your screen):

Command Line 0
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,0,0,800,1155

Command Line 1
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,800,0,800,1155

Command Line 2
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,0,0,1600,1155

And the final steps. Switch to the Edge Bindings tab and select the following edges:

Run Command 0 - Left
Run Command 1 - Right
Run Command 2 - Top

Last step: Click Back and then click on General Options. Set your Edge Trigger Delay to something you find comfortable with. Mine is set at 400.

Only disadvantages I have come across is that if you let the cursor hover too long over a hot point you will accidentally start resizing whatever window you have active. Also, there is a quirk with some windows that will not allow them to resize to the correct size (I am assuming due to the size of the widgets within the window).
2:35 AM 0 comments

Windows 7 Starter edition

I am beyond disappointed with microsoft this time around. How can you even think about installing this steaming pile of crap onto any netbook or laptop. I mean seriously... you cant even change a background. I can understand removing something more in depth like aero or maybe even windows media player but removing every last piece of customization? are you fucking kidding me? I am ashamed to have ever pushed your product.

You just made a linux advocate for life.
12:12 AM 0 comments

oh.. my... god.....


4:54 PM 0 comments
If you are gonna steal by shoving things down your pants.... please... please don't get caught... I don't want to have to handle those items...
1:49 AM 0 comments

They are multiplying...

But at least they have more beer for me...